R.J. Dauhn Aircraft LLC. RJDauhn Aircraft LLC - base

RJ Dauhn Aircraft LLC,
Flight aircraft surfaces and fuselage skin repair headquarters
Flight control surface repair.

Vertical Stabilizer repair and rebuild

The Airfoil on this control is concentric in it's configuration.  A fixture should be designed to be sure the alignment is “centralized”; generally, there is more than meets the eye to this.  On many aircraft the vertical stabilizer is slightly “off set” to neutralize the influence of the aircraft's asymmetric affect, “P-factor”.  P-factor has no influence relating to the actual repair or rebuilding of this control.


The slight “offset” relating to the position of control itself has nothing to do with the centered configuration design to the control itself.  A complete “parallel alignment” is paramount when rebuilding.  If any “twist” is evident the aircraft will tend to fly in an uncoordinated manor; it will tend to turn in a direction in which “the twist” influences it.  In reality, some form of alignment fixture is a must.  RJ Dauhn Aircraft has all of the fixtures required for rebuilding, and completely guarantee all of our work to your satisfaction.